How to Heal Your Business Chakras


How to Heal Your Business Chakras

As a business owner, you are your business, and when your chakras are out of balance, your business is out of balance. I’ve talked about how your personal chakras relate to your business before. Now I want to talk about how you can heal the chakras in your business. More importantly, what can you do to heal those wounds that you have acquired over the years, and how it all relates to your marketing and sales side of your business. Mind, body, and spirit rule everything, and when you aren’t connected with either of them, your business will suffer. How do we heal those chakras? First, we need to learn how to spot an unbalanced chakra.

How To Detect an Unbalanced Chakra

There’s a lot of people that don’t really know that they have unbalanced chakras. I actually never came across a person that had all of their chakras completely balanced. No, wait scratch that, I did. It was a guru from India visiting the United States. She had an amazing aura around her. There are different levels of unbalanced chakras and it can manifest in the body in different ways. An unbalanced throat chakra. for example, can manifest as a sore throat. You also may find your throat to be scratchy or just cough a lot while speaking. This happens to me sometimes when I do readings! How do we detect an unbalanced throat chakra in business? It all depends on the business size, but an unbalanced throat chakra in business could be as obvious as the website and customer-facing communications being completely off or as not-so-obvious as a simple mistake on a company-wide email. That is major unbalanced throat chakra vibes. How do we heal this at the corporate level?

How to Heal Your Business Chakras

When you understand your chakras in your business, you can heal them! If your root chakra in your business is blocked, then you will face major stability issues. In the corporate world, this will look like money issues. Either the company just spending a ton of money and not having any clients or customers buying their products/services or the company having to reduce salaries because of COVID. How do we heal this? We heal this by finding out what is exactly causing this. Hint: it’s most likely a lack of sales in the company. Doing a deep dive into your sales team, processes, and workflows can fix this issue of course, but the mindset is also a factor.

Make sure you are doing shadow work in your business and of course with you. What has caused you to not sell as much in your business? Was it really the outside world? The other competitors? Or was it really you just operating from lack? What causes you to panic when you see that low amount in your bank account? Doing this inner work as a business owner will help your leadership skills, your presence, and your business overall.

How Does Shadow Work Help My Business?

Shadow work is introspective work you do as a business owner, and it’s a must-have if you are a spiritual business. When you unblock your chakras in your business with your own shadow work, you are almost guaranteed success because you are doing work that is difficult and not pretty. Surrendering to the ego, humbling yourself, listening to your intuition, paying attention to what your team is telling you, actively listening, and most importantly journaling your thoughts are all really good places to start with your shadow work.

Your mind body and spirit are connected to everything you do. When all of them work together your business will thrive because YOU are thriving. When you find out what triggers you, why you react the way you react when you argue with someone, or why you feel a certain way when you are around someone, then you can pinpoint what is causing that and get rid of the person, situation or place in your life.

Cut the Cords!

Almost everyone I talk to needs some sort of cord-cutting done. Whether it’s cutting the cords off of an old team member, situation, or a system in your business. There’s a lot of ways you can do cord-cutting and if you are reading this you probably are a professional cord-cutter or already had some cord-cutting done at some point. In case you don’t know what cord-cutting is, it’s cutting an energetical cord between a person you have an attachment to. Sometimes the cord can be between a situation or a place, but most of the time it’s a person. In business, you need to detach yourself from the people you feel are dragging you down. If you recently fired someone, you need a cord-cutting session with someone who specializes in it. You can also do a cord-cutting meditation like this one right here.

Cord-cutting in your business is so important. If you have a team, you can do a group cord-cutting session!

I Need Help!

You might not know that you have blocked chakras in your business and inside you. This could have detremential side effects to your business. If you run a spiritual or conscious-minded brand, then you know the importance of how your spirit works in your business is how your business will perform. As a psychic medium, intuitive, and a bad-ass marketer I can go intuitively in your business and help create the strategies that can quantum leap your spiritual business. Interested? Schedule a call with me right now!


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