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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

What Type of Content Should I Post on Social Media in 2021?

There's so much content that is posted on social media, in fact, it was 777 million posts in 2019 according to Buffer. Most businesses are trying to adjust to the new normal right now, and it's social media that is going to take all of those companies to the next level. Why should you focus on social media? It's simple. The average person spent 2 hours and 24 minutes on Facebook in 2020, which is more than double the previous year. CEOs are more than willing to put their ads on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube these days because there is more time being spent on those platforms, especially the mobile apps, more than ever. This begs the question stated above: what kind of content should I post?

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

6 Things I Learned from 2020

2020 was an insane year all around. There were so many businesses that either folded or thrived in 2020. I would like to say I was one of those businesses that thrived. I have never been the type to boast about my income on social media or talk about the new things I bought from the new money that came in, but I would like to say I am living a comfortable life like I always have been. I definitely think I should aim higher though and no I don't have a vision board (yet), however, a Tesla is in my future!

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

5 Ways To Boost Your Social Media During the Holiday Season!

Ah, it's that time of the year! Snow is on the ground, gingerbread cookies are baking, and the Christmas lights are flashing. It's also time to re-strategize for the new year. Have you asked yourself the following: what worked, what didn't, and what can you do better? If you haven't now is a great time to ask yourself these questions. What worked for me? Getting consistent on social media. What didn't work? Not showing up on camera more. What can I do better? Getting more consistent about being on camera and asking for the sale. Creating space for allowing creativity to flow freely is another thing I am working on this year.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

My Word for 2021? Manifestation.

Manifestation. I learned about how to manifest your dream life this year, and it's been going well. When you manifest things in your life, you have to remember to be grateful for what you already have. Coming from a place of thankfulness will allow you to have more things to come into your life. I have been manifesting more clients, more gigs, more business relationships, and less stress! It's been looking good so far! I am planning on going bigger, leveling up, and creating more space for doing what I love to do the most! What have you been manifesting this year?

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

6 Social Media Trends You Need to Look Out for in 2021

2021 is just around the corner and if you don't have a marketing plan in place already now is the time to start planning! Social media has really boomed this year because of the pandemic and if you aren't paying attention to your social media it's high time that you need to. As of July 2020, the average person is spending two hours a day on social media, spanning eight different social media platforms, according to The Global WebIndex. This is an incredibly powerful statistic considering there are many people still not using social media as part of their marketing tool belt.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

How To Handle Negativity on Social Media as a Spiritual Entreprenuer

If you are an empathic entrepreneur, and you are constantly on social media. You may be wondering why you should even be on social media right now. Social media is a great tool, but that is what is - a tool. Tools can either help you and your business or not help you at all, depending on how you use it. More importantly, what kind of energy you are putting into social media? Are you going on social media because you are anticipating negative energy? Are you going on social media because you are anticipating positive energy? Are posting with positive intentions or negative intentions on social media? These are the questions we must ask ourselves before and after we get on social media.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

4 Reasons Why Everyone Should Be on Clubhouse RIGHT NOW!

You might be asking "WTF is Clubhouse?" and that's a solid question to ask. To be transparent, I had no idea what it is either until two weeks ago. The best way I could describe Clubhouse is "LinkedIn but with voice chat", it's a great platform for people wanting to network and get new clients or jobs! If you are familiar with Voxer (a walkie-talkie app), it's kinda like that but it's live chatting. It's a fantastic place to meet new people and show off your expertise in specific rooms about your subject. Even if you aren't a business owner, you can easily get in on conversations that you want to and grow at an incredibly fast rate.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

4 Things I've Learned About Being an Empathic Entrepreneur

Being an intuitive, medium and an empath I feel so much energy, like all the time. It's sometimes hard to deal with, especially if you are like me, constantly networking and meeting people. You never know what kind of energy you are running into and even taking on as they leave the virtual room. Not to mention the crazy as hell year it has been for many people. The pandemic put a lot of things to a screeching halt, however, one thing that has been put on the back burner for me and a lot of other entrepreneurs I know is self-care. Empathic entrepreneurs should always put their self-care first.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

5 Reasons Why Microcontent is the Future

We've been in the digital world for the last 25 years but the way we are consuming content now is at an insane speed. Take a look at the iPhone. When it first debuted back in 2007 no one thought that it would be in the hands of most Americans. Think about it, before the iPhone, we all were just surfing the net at our home offices, or if you were like me just reading books at the trailer while you were on break during your shift of being an usher at the local amusement park. We were all consuming content at a slower pace because the information wasn't in the palm of all of our hands at the time, Well, unless you had a Blackberry.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

It's All About Cleaning Up, Inside and Out!

I've been learning more about myself each and every day. What is blocking me from achieving that dream that I always wanted for myself? What is actually keeping me from going over that one big hurdle that I always had within myself? Ever since I was a young girl, I always had doubts, fears, and low self-esteem that prevented me from getting what I knew I deserved. This entire year has tested a lot of people, including myself. My business has been put to the test, and I was wondering why certain things weren't working. I've learned that what I am trying to manifest is probably real, the exact thing you will manifest. The way you will get abundance for example might be slightly different than what you have been working towards for example.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

5 Reasons Why Your Facebook Ads Aren't Converting

Facebook ads can be a BEAST, I actually remember being super overwhelmed when I first started learning. It can get complicated real quick, and it does NOT help at all when FB pretty much ripped off Google Ads method (which is a beast as well). I get clients all the time asking me "well I ran one Facebook ad and never got any results so I will never try it again". NOPE. That is the LAST thing you should be doing. Can you imagine if we thought of EVERYTHING that way? "I hated sushi that ONE time I tried it." "I played one game on my Xbox and I hated it now I have to throw my Xbox away." Like really? Come on now! The issue is not the Xbox, it's the game you played, and the strategy you used to beat the game (or didn't beat the game).

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

Is Your Third Eye Open?

I recently did a podcast with Haley Helveston about how to open up your third eye and it was incredible! This year has kinda thrown everyone in for a major loop, right? All the eclipses, retrogrades, and planets all in misalignment it's no wonder we are all in the position where we are now. I do think now is a good time to really get in tuned with self and learn how to really open our third eye. There's a ton of ways you can do it and no you don't have to make a special concoction to do it either. Every single person on this planet has the ability to tap into their psychic ability. Just like there are amazing athletes, singers, actors, scientists, and leaders on this planet with a god-given gift, there are also people that have a God-given ability to see with their third eye.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

How to Send Messages the Right Way on Social Media

The state of social media right now is still up in the air. With organic reach on most social media channels, (mostly Facebook and Instagram) taking a dive, it's no wonder that a lot of businesses are turning to ads to generate even a little bit of income. It's no secret that Facebook (and all of the social media sites Facebook has bought) is very pay for play these days. However, there is still a way you can reach the people you want without paying a lot in ads. You can of course go live on Facebook, and push stories on your Facebook and Instagram page. You can also break into unchartered grounds like TikTok, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. With all of these strategies, you should also learn the art of the DM.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

We Need To Do Better

I don't want to make this blog that long, (although it probably is going to be long cause I just have so much to say), but there's so much I have to get off of my chest right now. In the past couple of weeks we, as a country, have experienced so much racial turmoil that at this point it's just so exhausting. It's exhausting for me as an empath, but I know what I am feeling is 100x worse for my fellow African Americans who go through this every day. I personally cannot tell you what it feels like to get pulled over by a cop and pray for my life. I do not have that experience and I am not going to pretend that I have those experiences. However, I do know what it's like to get followed in a store and to have an entire event blamed on your race.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

5 Tools I Use to Make My Life Simple!

"Your business is your life" that's what a transformation coach told me just last week. Now I know what you are thinking, you just can't work your whole life. That's not what I am talking about. It's the mindset of making your business a part of your whole LIFESTYLE. As someone who did the corporate thing for a while, I can't tell you how freeing it is to able to structure your business to your lifestyle. Do you hate waking up early? Structure your day to start your day later. Do you like taking little breaks throughout the day? Structure your day around that! Your business is what you make of it. I have so many tools that help me keep at a high-performance level for my clients, but also keep me grounded.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

4 Ways Integrate TikTok in Your Digital Marketing Strategy

TikTok has taken the world by storm in the last couple of years and it's because of the amount of content that can be consumed in a short amount of time with its micro-vlogging model. Even though a lot of young kids (mostly Gen Z) are using it. It's quickly becoming a social media platform that EVERYBODY wants to be on. TikTok has about 800 million users and the app has been downloaded 1.5 BILLION times. That's insane! I personally have never seen an app gain so much steam in such a short amount of time. Not only that, but the organic reach for TikTok is also crazy high right now, which means you can get a following VERY quickly in a short period of time.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

5 Lessons I've Learned from Chester Bennington as an Entrepreneur

I remember it like it was yesterday, the first time I saw the video for Crawling was on TRL back in 2001. I was about 12 years old and I remember thinking Chester looked like Eminem only he didn't rap. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, it almost confused me. A mix of rock and rap, with scratching from a DJ. It was unlike anything I've heard before, and I remember wanting to hear more. Their lyrics were unlike anything on the radio at the time, and their conviction as a band was unlike anything I have ever seen. It was only a few years later, I've learned more about Chester, who he is as a person, and the influence he had on other fans where I started to get my inspiration from.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

Pinterest Takes on Videos!

There's a lot of social media sites that I talk about, but Pinterest is one of the social media sites that I talk about the least. I am not sure why either. Pinterest does have a lot to offer, besides the users being 75% women, and with it being a top search engine site. It's actually a great site, it's up 51 million users from last year alone! The growth is fantastic and if you are a brand that focuses on women or women related services and/or products then Pinterest is the place to be! I guess it's because Pinterest is very image oriented, not video related, but all of that is about to change!

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

Self Care is the Best Care!

Hope you had a great 4th of July! I used this weekend to work and of course enjoy the wonderful freedoms we have by watching the latest season of Stranger Things! Did you watch it? If so, that was crazy, right? I love that show so much! Some of you may or may not know that I recently got laid off from my 9-5, which I think might be the best thing that ever happened to me. While I loved my job, it was also killing me emotionally, mentally, and even physically believe it or not. My stress level was through the roof, and without trying to give away all the details, the job itself wasn't what I signed up for towards the end.

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Supriya Prasad Supriya Prasad

5 Mistakes You Could Be Making On Instagram!

Whether you are a big corporation or a small business, you need to be on Instagram. There's a lot of potential for almost every single industry on Instagram. If you are not on Instagram at this point, you need to be. It's a great platform where you can get lots of engagement very quickly. The reason for this is that Instagram in general is a very visual social media site. Facebook and Twitter, are more text based, which in turn led to more people engaging on Instagram, YouTube, and now TikTok. If you are visual based brand (beauty, real estate, and food brands especially) will do amazing on these platforms.

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